
NID Card Download & Correction 2025

NID Card Download & Correction 2025: If you have registered as a new voter, you can download your National Identity Card or NID Card with the form or slip number or NID Number from online itself. In this blog, see the process of how to download NID card or voter ID card through your mobile.

Besides, you can get your lost NID card or national identity card by downloading Bangladesh NID Card online in the same process.

The process of downloading voter ID card is shown below step by step.

You can download National Identity Card only with your voter slip number/NID number and mobile number. First let’s know what will be required for this.

NID Card Download

To download voter ID card or N ID card, voter registration form number, date of birth, address and face verification are required. Only new voters can download NID card online.

And old voters have to apply for reissue online to download the online copy of National Identity Card or Voter ID Card.

To view or download your voter ID card you will need:

  • Voter Registration Form slip number or NID number;
  • date of birth;
  • Current and Permanent Address (Division, District, Upazila);
  • A mobile for internet access;
  • An active mobile number (for OTP verification);

Rules for Downloading Voter ID Card

To download voter ID card visit and submit with NID number or form number and date of birth. Then select the address and complete the registration by mobile and face verification. Finally, login to the account and download the ID card.

Follow the simple steps below to download NID Card:

  1. First install NID Wallet app from Google Play Store;
  2. Visit the link;
  3. If the slip number is NIDFN then enter the Slip No (NIDFN123456789) and if the NID number then enter the NID number. Then enter the date of birth;
  4. Submit by filling captcha;
  5. Select current and permanent address;
  6. Click on ‘Send Message’ with mobile number and OK with OTP;
  7. Scan the face verification QR code;
  8. Perform face verification and set password of NID account;
  9. After login click on download link and download NID Card.

Bangladesh Election Commission Voter ID Card Check or New Voter ID Card Online Copy Download is not that difficult. You can easily download your National Identity Card or NID Card by following the steps below.

The process of how to download NID Card online is shown in the picture.

Step 1- Install NID Wallet app

First, for face verification (Face Verification), Election Commission’s mobile app NID Wallet must be installed on the other mobile. Go to Google Play Store and search for NID Wallet. Then install the app.

Step 2- Registration to Download Voter ID Card

NID Account Registration should be done with slip number or NID Smart Card number. If you have become a voter after 2019, you may have a Voter Registration Slip. You can get National Identity Card with slip number.

Voter ID Card can be downloaded and used by printing and laminating it after registering with National Identity Card Wing (NID Wing).

Now, you need to register an account or Sign Up on the National Identity Card website. Follow the steps below.National Identity Card Account Go to this link. A page like below will appear

Click on the first option Register link here. Then you will get a page like below.



Search for National Identity Card

Enter National Identity Card Number. Enter your date of birth and code shown in the image and click on the submit button.

If you are a new voter you will not have a National Identity Card number. In that case you need to download the ID card using the form number or token number you got after voter registration. For this see – Rules for Issuing ID Card with Token.

Now select your current and permanent address (department, district, upazila). See the image above.

Remember that if you try to register account with wrong address again and again, your NID account will be locked. So, avoid trying more than 2 times if the address shows wrong.

If all above information is correct then your mobile number will be shown. Complete the verification with the mobile number if you have it.

If the mobile number used at the time of registration is not there, you can do the verification with any other phone number. In that case you have to enter the new mobile number and click on send message button.

A 6 digit OTP verification code will be sent to the mobile. So the mobile number must be active and with you.

Here enter your mobile number correctly and click on send message button.

A 6 digit verification code will be sent to your mobile. Enter the code in the box shown in the image above and click on the Apply button.

Step 3: Do Face Verification

Now a QR code will be shown for your Face Verification.You have to do your face verification by scanning the code with NID Wallet app.

Now open the NID Wallet App installed on your mobile. Select the language and tap on Agree and Continue button. Then scan the QR code.

After scanning the QR code, you will get the option to do Face Verification. Here’s how to first take a straight picture of yourself, then turn your head slightly left and right while keeping your eyes on the camera.

Click on the Start Face Scan button to start the face scan.

Just like the videos shown in the app, hold the Selfie Camera next to your face and look straight ahead. OK or tick mark notification will appear on the image if OK.

Then, look at the camera and turn your head once to the right and once to the left. If it doesn’t show OK, try again.

After the face verification is completed, a page like below will appear in front of you.

Step 8: Set the password. To log into the NID account without the hassle of face verification in future, you need to set a password by clicking the Set Password button.

I would suggest setting a password. In the future you will have many benefits for correcting or re-downloading the National Identity Card.

Step 4: Download NID Card

After setting the NID Account password, you will be logged in to the NID Website. You will see your picture and profile.

Download your new National Identity Card / N ID Card by clicking on the download option at the bottom from the options shown on the right side of the image.

National Identity Card Download Link:

Download Revised Voter ID Card

After the ID card correction, the revised voter ID card can be downloaded online. However, revised NID or National Identity Card will not be available for those who have changed their address. In case of correction of address, application for reissue of National Identity Card should be made.

After the National Identity Card is corrected you will get a message like “Your National Identity Card application has been approved”. Then download the revised NID card by following the steps shown above.

One thing we should know is that for easy distribution of NID card online NID card download facility is provided. Many of us call it Voter ID. Actually it is not voter ID card, it is not useful for voting.

This is your National ID Card as a citizen of Bangladesh. So use it carefully without neglecting it. Be aware of national identity card errors and security of personal information.

NID Card Correction

Want to Amend National Identity Card or Voter ID Card? Know what is required, how to apply online for voter ID correction (NID Card Correction) details.

Become a new voter, download the voter ID card and find that there is a mistake in the name, father’s name or any other information. There is no reason to worry. You can amend your National Identity Card by applying online in just 7/15 days.

Let us first know what is required to correct NID card online. Next let’s see the rules for correcting National Identity Card online.

What is required to amend voter ID card?

To correct voter ID card, generally required are educational qualification certificate, passport, driving license, and copy of digital birth registration, copy of MPO sheet or service book, marriage certificate, parent’s ID card and children’s ID card. NID card can be corrected with any 2 of these documents.

Basically according to the type of data correction, the required documents differ. Below is the table of required documents according to the type of amendment;

subject to correction Required documents
Name correction SSC or HSC or equivalent certificate
Online Birth Registration Certificate
Passport/Driving License
MPO Seat/Service Outside
Get down to the wedding cabin
Copy of NID card of at least 2 children with correct name of parents
Correction of date of birth SSC or HSC or equivalent certificate
Online Birth Registration Certificate
Passport/Driving License
MPO Seat/Service Outside
Get down to the wedding cabin
Certification of Authority
Correction of parent’s name SSC or HSC or equivalent certificate;
Online Birth Registration Certificate;
Passport/Driving License;
National Identity Card of parents;
Birth registration of parents;
Attestation of Head of Office in case of employees;
Wariation Certificate/Certificate (Mentioning Name and National Identity Card Number of all children of father in order of birth)
National identity card of siblings.

For details on what it takes to correct NID, see – What it takes to correct voter ID card. Moreover, the Election Commission has finalized a Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) draft to make the NID revision process easier.

How much does voter ID card correction cost?

A fee of Tk 230 is charged for correction of voter ID card information. Apart from this, correction of other details of NID card requires 115 rupees and 345 rupees for correction of both types of information. The National Identity Card fee can be paid through Bikash or Rocket.

Let’s know now, how to apply for correction of national identity card online.

Rules for Applying Voter ID Card Amendment

First visit to correct voter ID card. Register account here with NID number, date of birth and address. Modify the information by logging in and clicking the edit link from the profile. Then submit the application by uploading the correction fee and supporting documents. The information will be corrected if the application is approved.

The National Identity Card correction process is detailed below. You can apply for correction of your NID by following the process step by step.

Step 1 – Scan/take photo of required documents

Before applying for correction of Voter ID, you should scan the necessary proofs and crop them within the specified size. If you can’t scan, place it on a table and take a photo from above.

Step 2 – Register on NID website

Login directly with NID number and password if registered on National ID site. If you have not registered first register from register option.

See how to register.

Step 3 – Correct the information

After login to National ID account go to profile option. There are 3 types of information, personal information, other information and address.

To modify personal information, click on the edit button from the top right side. You will get options to modify the information as below.

Click on the tick option to the left of the information you wish to modify. Thus, type your incorrect information correctly in accordance with the credentials. Then, click on the Next button.

You will see a preview and a revised version of the information you have edited. If everything is OK click next button again.

Step 4 – Pay the National Identity Card Amendment Fee

Now, you have to pay the fee according to the type of your wrong information. Remember, don’t close what you have done so far on your computer or mobile. You have to complete the rest of the application again by paying the fee. Also Read- How much does it cost to correct NID?

Rules for submission of National Identity Card correction fee through BKash

Login to your Bkash account from the Bkash app to pay fees through Bkash. And follow the below steps.

  • Go to Pay Bill option;
  • Click on Government Fees option and select NID Service option;
  • Enter your NID number in English;
  • Choose your application type;
  • Pay the fee with your Bkash Account PIN number.

Once the fee is paid, you can go back to the National Identity Card website and submit the application by uploading the credentials.

Step 5 – Document upload and application submission

I asked you to scan or photograph the necessary documents in the 1st step and keep them in a folder. Now you can submit your application by uploading your documents as required.

How to upload required documents to prove the information you are going to apply for change of ID card. The most effective proof for correcting personal information is a certificate of educational qualification, passport or driving license. Along with that online birth registration certificate has to be uploaded.

Step 6 – Voter ID Card Correction Form Download

After submitting the application, return to the dashboard. Above you will find a link to download the application. Click on the link to download the National Identity Card Amendment Form and save it to yourself.

Voter ID Card Date of Birth Correction

To correct the date of birth on the voter ID card, visit the website and register with the National Identity Card number and date of birth. Then login and go to profile option. Click on the edit link and enter the correct date of birth and pay the fee. Finally submit the application by uploading the required documents.

SSC or equivalent academic certificate and digital birth registration are required to correct date of birth on National Identity Card or Voter ID Card. If academic certificate is not available then passport, driving license, copy of MPO sheet or service book and marriage certificate can be submitted.

Also Read- How long does it take to amend National Identity Card?

Voter ID Card name correction

JSC / SSC / HSC or equivalent educational qualification certificate and birth registration are required to correct name in voter ID card. If there is no educational qualification certificate, then any one of them can be given: passport, driving license, copy of MPO sheet or service book, copy of marriage certificate and ID card of at least 2 children.

That is, it is better to provide at least 2 documents as proof of your name or date of birth. You can apply with any 1 document. In that case, the application is less likely to be approved.

So it is better to provide any 2 of the documents mentioned above.

Correction of other information in National Identity Card

Other information on the National Identity Card includes: Educational Qualification, Occupation, Mobile Number, Religion, Address etc. This information can be corrected by applying online and uploading the correct proof. A fee of Tk 115 inclusive of VAT will be applicable for correction of other information.

Correction of Voter ID Card address

Full address of voter ID card cannot be changed online. Only house number and village name can be modified. For full address correction you need to complete a change of address form and submit it to your respective election office.

National Identity Card Amendment Fee

Voter ID card information correction fee is Tk 230 inclusive of VAT and other information correction fee is Tk 115. Both information correction fee is Tk 345 inclusive of VAT, reissue application fee is Tk 345 and emergency reissue fee is Tk 575.

Type of correction Amount of fee
NID Info Correction  230 Taka
Other Info Correction 115 Taka
Both Info Correction 345 Taka
Duplicate Regular 345 Taka
Duplicate Urgent 575 Taka
National ID card correction fee

Voter ID Card Amendment Questions and Answers

What documents are required to correct voter ID card?

Commonly required to correct voter ID card, educational qualification certificate, passport, driving license, and digital birth registration copy, copy of MPO sheet or service book, marriage certificate etc.

How to correct voter ID card?

To amend ID card visit website and register with National Identity Card Number and Date of Birth. Login to account and go to profile option. Now click on the edit link and enter the correct date of birth and proceed to the next step. Now submit the application by paying the National Identity Card correction fee and uploading the required documents.

How many days does it take to correct voter ID card online?

It takes 7/15 days to correct voter ID card online. But in special cases it may take maximum 45 days. According to Election Commission rules, NID Card correction application is approved or canceled within 45 days.

What does it take to correct voter ID card name?

JSC/SSC/HSC or equivalent educational qualification certificate and birth registration are required to correct name in voter ID card. If there is no educational qualification certificate, then any one of them can be given: passport, driving license, copy of MPO sheet or service book, marriage certificate and ID of at least 2 children.

How many times can the voter ID card be revised?

The same information cannot be amended more than once in the voter ID card. However, address, husband’s name, wife’s name and blood group can be amended multiple times.

If father, mother or husband is mentioned as dead by mistake, what documents should be submitted to correct it?

If a living person is mentioned as deceased, the National Identity Card of that person should be submitted for correction.

I want to change signature on NID card, how can I do it?

To change the signature of NID card, one has to appear in person at the upazila election office and fill the national identity card correction form 2. 230 taka inclusive of vat for correction fee should be deposited through mobile banking.

How much money does it take to correct voter ID card name?

230 taka including VAT is required to correct the name on the ID card.

What documents must be submitted with the application to correct the spelling of the name of the father, husband and mother?

To correct the name of your parents, you have to submit education certificate, birth registration, NID card of brothers and sisters. Marriage Kabin Nama and Husband’s NID must be submitted to correct husband’s name.

What is the smart card amendment fee?

Smart card correction fee is minimum Tk 230 and maximum Tk 345 inclusive of VAT. The amendment fee depends on the category of smart ID card amendment application.

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